Brian Vanderburgh from Las Vegas, construction professional and the owner of VDB Properties. Between his business, an active role in his local church, hobbies and personal life, Vanderburgh stays busy, but he keeps everything running smoothly with a careful schedule.
If real estate professionals like Las Vegas, Nevada’s Brian Vanderburgh can schedule their days, weeks, months and years to avoid conflict, so can you. Tricks like those below can help:
·Follow a Routine.
Following a routine will keep you on schedule and make you more reliable. Divide your planner into time blocks and put regular tasks in each block to make the basis of a routine.
For example, allow yourself two thirty-minute blocks at the beginning and end of each work day to check and respond to emails. Outside of those time chunks, focus on your other planned tasks and do not spend time in your inbox.
Your routine will change with your life and career, but when it does, adjust your planner and keep your days regular in new ways.
·Group Your Meetings.
If you have meetings and calls on a regular basis, group them into one or two days per week. These days are “meeting days,” reserved for handling business calls and meeting clients.
Back-to-back meetings and calls stops them from interrupting your other important tasks or distracting you. Instead, you slip into a meeting mindset and can handle your client interaction better.
Tricks like those above help professionals like Brian Vanderburgh Las Vegas, Nevada, keep everything in order, but remember to schedule time for relaxation. It’s easy to cram too much into your schedule and neglect personal time, but hobbies and downtime help you perform better at work and are essential elements of an orderly life.
Also Read: Brian Vanderburgh Las Vegas: VDB Consulting