Brian Vanderburgh Las Vegas is a business professional who has lived on the west coast as well as the east coast of the United States. Brian Vanderburgh currently resides in Las Vegas, Nevada and is the owner of VDB Consulting and VDB Properties. Whenever he is on one of the coasts, and the weather is nice, he enjoys surfing. He loves to stay active and to have fun with friends and colleagues. Surfing is a great sport for people who love the ocean.
The first step in learning how to surf is to work with an instructor. You will spend your class time on the beach, and your instructor will show you how to paddle and how to stand up on your board. Your instructor can help you learn about safety precautions as well. After you complete a certain amount of time with your instructor on dry land, you can move to the water.
Your instructor may have you stay in the shallow part of the water while you learn how to balance on your surfboard. Once you become more comfortable, you may be able to go out and tackle a small wave. Becoming a great surfer takes years of practice. You will spend a lot of time falling off of your board before you learn how to coast along the waves. Brian Vanderburgh, a business owner and construction management professional in Las Vegas, loves to go surfing when he has the chance. He is an active adult who takes every opportunity to have fun.
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